Saturday 26 December 2015

Are you overweight?

BMI overview 

BMI stands for Body Mass Index which is used to determine whether the weight of an individual is healthy with respect to an individual height. It is the best way to calculate and figure out how much fats a body contains. Mostly the nutritionists use the BMI calculator in order to calculate the body fat.

Health problems with higher BMI

As our body is made up of water, fat, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. It is for sure that if a body contains too much of fat then you are at higher for health problems. The common health problems include:-

  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Varicose veins
  • High cholesterol
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Kidney disease

How to determine your BMI?

Although BMI is used for both men and women but the BMI do have some limits. There are many websites which uses BMI calculator when you enter your weight and height. But it is easy and you can also calculate it by yourself by remembering a simple formula. 

  • Multiply your weight in pounds by 703
  • Divide the answer by your height in inches
  • Divide the answer by your height in inches again

A woman weighing 250 pounds and is 70 inches tall will have BMI 35.87.

Chart for BMI 

Standard chart for BMI will determine after calculating BMI, that in which category you will fall.
Below 18.5
Over 40
Extreme or high risk obesity
BMI under 18.5 is considered as unhealthy and it is the person who is not getting sufficient amount of nutrition and also suffering from complication of malnutrition which include anemia, heart problems, and deficiency in nutrition, cavities and osteoporosis. However these ranges are only for adults while the children and teens are interpreted differently.

Clinical term

Healthcare professionals and nutritionists mostly use the words “obese” and “obesity” as clinical terms which clearly explains the condition of increased health problems. No professional will ever use any term related what you look like. Best advice by professionals is the exercise which helps to reduce risks of heart diseases and diabetes. 

Best advice 

Do not take any medication or do not go to any diet without consulting your provider or health professional. Professional will have to follow some methods to categorize you whether you are overweight. Hip ratio and waist circumference will be considered by the health professional.